Terra Collective Pledge

As a group, we will collectively uphold the safety of this container to the best of our ability knowing there are no true safe spaces.

I understand that the Terra Collective exists to discuss difficult truths, systemic oppression and how it manifests, and works at a deep emotional level, and myself and my fellow members may decide to share personal information. At all times, I have the right to decide on the degree of my sharing and to ask for support if needed.

In this collective, I may be asked to explore my emotions, beliefs and behaviors, which could result in a new level of awareness that takes me outside of my comfort zone.

This collective is not a substitute for professional mental health care or medical care. At any time, If you feel emotionally triggered to the point that it feels out of your control, please seek the help you need in the form of a professional therapist or contact Erin or Christina and we will put you in touch with resources available to the best of our ability and capacity.

We value transparency, integrity, and accountability in this space. Feel free to address any concerns or questions you have in the group if that feels safe/comfortable for you. If you have a concern about something that is happening/has happened in the group and you’d rather speak to us privately about it you’re welcome to get in touch with us via email at helloterraincognita@gmail.com. We very much welcome constructive feedback as well.

By becoming a member I agree to the following:

I will hold strict confidentiality regarding all matters (names, events, etc.) pertaining to the sharing of other participants in the group. I will not disclose information about another group member outside of the group verbally, or through any written or electronic means including email, Instagram, Facebook and any other public forums unless I have consent.

I am aware that the Terra Collective will be recording our sessions and the links will be shared with all present members. I understand that if I would like the recording turned off during my sharing, I will advise the facilitators, Erin and Christina.

An important pillar of the Terra Collective is embodiment of anti-oppressive feminist theories and bringing them into practice. Active participation will enable you to do this. I will do my best to engage in the live gatherings and I understand that I get out what I put into the community.

Thank you for being a part of our collective! It’s an honor to facilitate!


Erin Monahan and Christina Torres