Thought-provoking since 2015

Welcome to Terra Incognita Media where we deliver nuanced feminist analysis about issues surrounding race, class, and gender in response to the outdoor industry.

Poetry by Juanita Gibson

Poetry by Juanita Gibson

Cover Photo by Caleb Ralston on Unsplash


At home 

You are dim

Seldom seen and

Given little thought

But on the traveled road 

You gain life

(How do you survive such expansion)

Why is it that you 

shine down on me

When I am far flung 

And lost

When I am out in the world 

Searching the night sky

Do you know?

Is my loneliness so

Visible to you

That you exhaust yourself 

(Your light)

To comfort me 

With grace 

The Mountaintop

Is it true 

That your peaks

Pierce the veil

Between this world

And the next

Are there universes penetrated

By your steeples

Swirling Galaxies exposed in the firmament

above you 

Do your foundations 

Your roots 

Sit in the depths of the lower world

Do they coil around the damned

Snaking through our buried past 

How do you view creation

From your seat between the Heavens and Hell

What is contained in your silence 

(Would you cry out if you could)


Dimly lit paths

They narrow 

Darkness covers the way

And yet

Your cool beam guides


Sets me aflame with blue

Propels me forward

I do not praise you 

Like you are the sun 

I do not love you

Because of your warmth

My adoration is borne

Of the way you 

(alive with starlight)

pierce the shadow

But refuse to banish it

The way you leave 

the darkness

But promise to cut through it

Follow Juanita Gibson: @juanita.t.g. @apoemfortheendoftheworld

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