Thought-provoking since 2015

Welcome to Terra Incognita Media where we deliver nuanced feminist analysis about issues surrounding race, class, and gender in response to the outdoor industry.

An Online Workshop on Toxic Masculinity in the Outdoor Industry

Learn more and save your spot here!

This workshop will be based on the essay, “Ambient Dominion: How Free Solo Points to an Epidemic of Toxic Masculinity.”

Have you ever been at a loss for what to say when you witness and/or experience toxic masculinity?

Have you ever had that gut feeling that something is off or wrong, but you held back or hesitated to say something because you didn't want to make any "waves," disturb the "peace," or upset your friends, co-workers, boss, etc.?

Have you ever wanted to interrupt bullshit, toxic behavior in your friend group or workplace, but you're afraid if it's not the "right time or place"?

Have you ever been gaslit, tone-policed, or silenced within an intimate, group, or work setting when you've tried to speak out about toxic, harmful, or violent behavior or language, and now you're second-guessing yourself and wondering if you're the problem?

We're here to stress that you're not the problem and you're not alone.

In this workshop participants will gain in-depth knowledge about how toxic masculinity manifests in the outdoor industry, receive actionable advice about how to interrupt/disrupt toxic masculinity, develop tools for self-compassion and nervous system regulation, and leave with a grounded sense of confidence to catalyze anti-oppressive change towards gender and racial justice wherever you are within the outdoor industry, as well as your personal and professional sphere of influence.


Resources on Appropriation

Resources on Appropriation